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Girl/Boy Child Mentoring


Girl Power Concept..!!

Under Touching Lives Foundation Consultancy Wing one of my favourite Modules or sessions are under the ”Come mentor us [ Girl Power Concept] sessions’ ‘These are mobile sessions; where we meet the girls. Sometimes what that teenage girl needs is just someone to talk to them and show them the vision and inspire them to begin to think differently. We visit school schools and mentor the girls. We also connect the girls to youth mentors who have achieved greatness in their youth. We are trained to pick vision and point to greatness in that girl the community thinks will never achieve anything in life. No teenager or girl child is a defiant or low self-esteem girl they just need direction.


We also love to mentor boys.

Good women are rising to teach girls to be better women but sadly there aren’t many good men teaching boys to be great men. When marriages fail, its not always the woman’s fault, the man also shares a huge responsibility. Not because he didn’t want to be a great husband but the society taught him that he is his right to be served & it is okay to be polygamous. When there is crime in the society, its 4 times more likely to be the man than the woman. Our prisons have 90% more men than women. 80% of suicide cases occur with men due to social pressure to be a man & be strong. And school drop out is gradually increasing with boys.

In all this there is less still focus in training the boy child to be a better man, husband & father. If we build the boy child as well we would have bridged most of the social gaps. We would see more marriages last longer, less infidelity, less crime & corruption, less rape, substance abuse & violence. If we build our boys early we wouldn’t have to spend much empowering & training our girls to be better wives because they naturally are. The fight for gender equality for women will go on as it has, even though the focus should be gender equity, but its high time we did something to enhance the knowledge & integrity of the boy child.

We need the full responsibility from our men & women, boys & girls. When we fail for the men today, just like we had failed for women decades ago, we create a circle & someday we might have to focus on the empowerment of the boy child only because he was forgotten.

#EquityNotEquality  #LetsDoMore  #EveryChildMatters

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