Touching Lives Foster Home

It’s a home for everyone, there are various reasons why a child cannot stay at home, these include:
- A child whose parent is in jail or is hospitalized and has no one to care for them during their parents’ absence
- Neglected or abused kids
- The loss of either one or both parents
- A child’s behavioural problems in which the parents cannot cope.
- Poor communities
These children are taken into foster care.
Every day, we make a difference in children’s lives by providing safe and caring homes. Foster care is home-like care provided by foster parents for children who cannot live with their parents because of the following reasons;
– safety
– special care or treatment needs that their parents are unable to manage or other circumstances resulting in their parents or family unable to care for them.
Within the past 7 years we have been able to foster about 50 kids.
Support us now !!!!