Walk in their shoes, seasons are changing and your clothes, shoes etc. and kids clothes and shoes from last year may not fit anymore. Nothing can surpass the feeling of knowing that a child who has never had shoes will have their little toes covered and their little cracked feet protected,the thought that a child who sleeps shivering because of having torn clothes will have some dignity is simply unexplainable, a hungry child will get food to eat.
Every donation you make whether it’s a pencil just know that someone will learn how to write using that pencil and will cherish it for the rest of their lives, if it’s shoes just know that a child who was walking killomters in the cold, sand and mud will now have a pair of shoes to pride in, if it’s clothes just know that someone won’t be freezing or walking with low self esteem wearing rags, if it’s food just know that someone will have a meal today, if it’s books just know that you have contributed to someone ‘s emancipation today and if it’s education sponsorship just know that you have contributed to a revolution of educated boys and girls….you have contributed to the future.
Whatever you have someone can cherish it… Please contact we will come for it and keep donating…